I suspect many people reading this work on projects pretty continuously. It’s normal to jump from one project straight to the next, often without much time for reflection and decompression. In fact, you might be balancing multiple smaller projects at the same time. That’s a hard gig: typically each project...
The Value of a Project CharterLauren ZinsmeisterProject Management Articles, Webinars, Templates and Jobs
If you’re familiar with the Project Management Book of Knowledge, or PMBOK for short, you know all about the Project Charter and its criticality to the success of a project. The PMBOK says that the project cannot start until the Project Sponsor formally signs off on the Charter. Having...
That One Project You Aren’t Sure You’ll Survive…Paul GouwsProject Management Articles, Webinars, Templates and Jobs
We all had that one project—the one that made us question our career choices, doubt our sanity, and consider a swift exit from the world of project management. It took me a moment to recall mine. The late nights, the endless meetings, and the creeping feeling that I was steering...
VMO Or PMO: How To Choose One for your OrgAlankar KarpeProject Management Articles, Webinars, Templates and Jobs
Defining PMO and VMO A project management office (PMO) is a group, or functional unit, that sets, maintains, and enforces the practices, policies, and standards for structuring and executing projects within an organization. According to the Project Management Institute (PMI), a PMO is essential for enterprises seeking to centralize...
Managing the Present Moment Even If You Don’t Like ItGeorge PitagorskyProject Management Articles, Webinars, Templates and Jobs
A project manager asked what she could do about not liking the present moment. She was learning to do mindfulness meditation and was finding that when she was being mindful of the present moment, she found it stressful. She was bombarded by problem after problem experiencing anxiety centered on the...